About CoVEX

What is CoVEX?
CoVEX is a platform that allows for the completion of the entire crypto lifecycle – buy, sell, trade, lend, borrow and use as mode of payment. It has enhanc...
Thu, 29 Nov, 2018 at 4:06 AM
What are the issues with current exchange house?
There are more than 2000 alt-coins in the crypto market with over 100 exchange houses. And yet it is hard to find a single exchange house that does not suff...
Thu, 29 Nov, 2018 at 4:12 AM
What is CoVEX's solution?
CoVEX aims to address these issues by creating a platform that is absolutely secure, technically evolved and evolving with a 24x7 customer service to resolv...
Thu, 29 Nov, 2018 at 4:13 AM
What services does the CoVEX platform provide?
The CoVEX platform is a true peer-to-peer comprehensive financial ecosystem to complete the entire crypto lifecycle. The services that it provides are, • Cr...
Thu, 29 Nov, 2018 at 4:14 AM
Are you sure CoVEX can build such a robust platform?
CoVEX has assembled an elite team of blockchain developers, cryptographers, system analysts and database developers with years of experience and proven trac...
Thu, 29 Nov, 2018 at 4:14 AM